Revised Concept Note 22.11.2013
The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.
- M.K. Gandhi
This segment briefly (60 secs) introduces some of the key ideas behind the philosophy of giving and effecting change . We use a soft, melodic yet moody music track set to beautifully composed images of self discovery, exploration, growth and connection.
In our journey through life,
Are we defined by the choices we make,
Or the possessions we accumulate?
In our quest to experience all the world has to offer
Will we find the courage to confront the unfamiliar?
Compassion to reach out to those less fortunate?
Joy in enriching the lives of others?
Where does change begin?
On the streets or in the villages?
In corporate boardrooms or humble classrooms?
Is it fed by one grand idea, or lots of smaller ideas?
Is it dependent on the actions of the many,
or the determination of a select few?
If we care enough,
Can change grow from within?
FADE IN WOD Graphic Board
FADE OUT WOD Graphic Board
This segment documents the journey and the experiences of the Vodafone employees as they carry out their core tasks in various locations. We share fictional quotes in the script below, they are used as an indicator of what we believe they can be expected to say.
There are 2 main parts to this segment, the first one briefly (30 - 45 secs) covers their orientation, the advice and encouragement that they receive from Management to make the most of this opportunity, and their eagerness to get started with their new responsibilities.
In the second part of this segment (120 - 150 secs) , we track various interactions between the Employees and their NGO colleagues/WOD stakeholders on location, and get their perspective on the experience.
A large well lit conference room hosts the 35 selected winners of this years Program.
We see closeups of Vodafone winners, bright, proud and full of promise.
The speaker congratulates all the winners and briefs them (briefly!) on the responsibilities that lie ahead.
Senior Management Vodafone: “At the Vodafone Foundation, by combining skills, resources and funding, we empower talented people to realize their dream of effecting social change. This year, through the WOD program 35 Vodafone employees, selected after a rigorous application process, are matched to 35 NGOs based on their skills and passions and the NGO’s specific needs.” (Mumbai)
We see footage of the event where employees are awarded their special placement by leaders from the company.
Employee 1: “This is so much bigger than me and I feel proud to be selected. It is going to be one big adventure! (Mumbai)
We open with 'on the road shots' of rural India - vibrant shots of the open road, green fields and country people. Public transport on mud roads and people walking miles to get to places.
A few children play outside a hutment.
Employee 2 (examining a blue-print for a school. He is overseeing the building of a school in this rural area.)
"My role here is to help plan the new primary school. Before this, children as little as 4 and 5 had to walk several kilometers to get to school. Laying the foundations to educate future generations is what drives a community and the world forward." (Madhya Pradesh)
An employee takes a train across Maharashtra, we see rural life pass by as he looks out into the vast landscape. (Maharashtra)
Another employee weaves his/her way through a crowded Delhi street to get to the red light district, where a sex awareness drive is in progress targeted at sex workers. (New Delhi)
Vodafone Rep: “During this 8 week period, the employees leave their homes and families to travel far across the country. Its not enough to just have good intentions. Change occurs when you get out of your comfort zone, face up to the challenges and make things happen”
In the heart of a remote Dalit village, an employee visits the homes of rural entrepreneurs to assess their projects. (Uttar Pradesh)
In a village school in the mountains, it’s a cold winter morning and training with the teachers starts early. (Himachal Pradesh)
Another employee in an office with NGO members, working on websites and social media communications. (Mumbai)
NGO Rep: “Grass-root organizations like ours do not have the necessary expertize for business expansion. Having someone here who specializes in business development is an absolute boon to us. We are learning so much.”
Toilets arrive in a crowded slum. An old man gets his first private toilet in 80 years.
Old man sitting among his grandchildren: "It's taken 80 years for me to have a clean functional toilet in my home. Others might take such things for granted, but for us it’s a luxury, a reason to celebrate." (Pune)
Boy working on his first electric circuit board, his face lights up as the bulbs come on. (Pune)
A large number of small town men being trained on gender equality, sensitization. (Pune)
Children in village, learning using visual aids in a brand new classroom. (Madhya Pradesh)
A teenaged girl in a village in UP prepares for sports day while her mother looks on. (Uttar Pradesh)
Mother: "I never passed my 7th grade. In my childhood it was unheard for a girl to finish schooling. My daughter has the opportunity to educate herself and become independent. I feel like I have a second chance."
Shots of Vodafone store exterior. Inside the store, Vodafone fund raising in progress. Customers buying special Vodafone merchandise. (Mumbai)
Vodafone Rep: "During the course of the program, the Vodafone retail stores raise funds by selling special merchandise. Last year we raised close to a Crore in our Giving Championship, This year all proceeds from the sales will go towards Educate Girls, an NGO that empowers girls in rural Rajasthan to go to school."
NGO Rep (Educate Girls): “It feels good that our work is being honoured not only with time and expertize but also concrete funds. Vodafone has been so involved with fund raising efforts, making our cause their cause, so that all the work may continue.”
Another employee is at a printing press, that prints books for rural school children. (Delhi)
Rag pickers in Delhi in uniform being oriented on the program. (Delhi)
Employee 3 (walks through a slum area where he meets a few women at a clinic for neonatal and postnatal care, asking questions and taking notes. He meets a mother who has just given birth, her daughter sleeping by her side.)
“Happiness is not about how many things you collect in life.. degrees, fame, money...its purpose that makes life meaningful, we are all born to find that purpose." (Mumbai)
We see the baby opening and closing her eyes, her little fingers grasping a life that awaits her.
Visuals: Happy Shots, Portraits, Happy Proud Faces of Employees/Stakeholders.
In the final segment of the film (45 secs), we succinctly re-state Vodafone Foundation India's mission, and highlight the impressive accomplishments of the World of Difference Initiative.
We re-introduce our musical theme from the Prologue. In this segment, the tempo speeds up quicker.
VOICEOVER (with Animated Text superimposed on striking imagery, where necessary)
The World of Difference Initiative has placed x employees in over x organizations around the world to help provide meaningful solutions and change lives.
In 2013, Vodafone India raised over 97 lakh rupees in the Giving Championships held during the World of Difference programme.
Any other significant factoids that showcase the success of the WOD Initiative (These can be collated and added later)
Visuals: A montage of places, employee names, portraits, a map of India highlighting all the places Vodafone employees have worked over the years.
The success of the program comes from true partnerships.
And the belief that when minds, hands and hearts connect, we can make a difference.
One Project at a time,
One Employee at a time,
There is so much left to do
We have a whole world to change.
Visuals: End Portraits of Vodafone Employees.
FADE IN WOD Graphic Board
As the planned duration of the film is 5 minutes, it has been difficult to source reference music tracks that capture the projected mood/sound of the final film. We plan on mixing in Ambient sound along with the composed score to create a soundtrack that, while inspirational and uplifting where it needs to be, is grounded in reality and modernly Indian.
We have listed 3 references below that do a reasonable job of fusing Indian musical elements with a progressive western base. None of them are perfect representations of what we feel the score should sound like, but they should be a decent starting point for discussion.